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My story

As a skilled machinist, I had secured a comfortable income and found great pleasure in exploring the world of personal investing.

My journey into finance was rich in learning, and I spent countless hours in deep conversation with my father-in-law, each discussion delving into the intricacies of smarter investment strategies.

One pivotal day, he entrusted me with a profound responsibility—should any unforeseen event befall him, he asked if I would safeguard my mother's financial well-being. Grasping the weight of his trust, I didn't hesitate to accept. To formalize this promise, he granted me the power of attorney over their finances.

Tragically, not long afterward, he suffered a severe stroke that robbed us of his voice and his ability to articulate his desires.

In those trying times, my mother-in-law expressed immense gratitude for my support. The experience was transformative; the satisfaction I found in assisting her was so immense that I left my career in machining behind and transitioned into the financial sector, embarking on a new path as an independent agent. It was more than a professional change—it was a calling that had found me.

My values

Understanding my families and business owners better to bring a large shelf of solutions based on their goals and concerns.



My history

Since 2005 I have searched for a team environment where I can thrive and enjoy what I do. 

Many years of experiences brings, to my team a unique approach with strategies  help our clients achieve their goals.

Our team


Executive Director Frank De Lio and Myself


CEO Jamie Prickett (far Left) With President Lee-Ann Prickett (Far Right)


Thomas Woodard and his wife and myself.



Ken Russell


Junard David


Thomas Woodard